AiML2018 Accepted Papers

Ana de Almeida Borges and Joost Joosten. The Worm Calculus
Arnon Avron and Ori Lahav. A Simple Cut-Free System for a Paraconsistent Logic Equivalent to S5
David Baelde, Anthony Lick and Sylvain Schmitz. A Hypersequent Calculus with Clusters for Linear Frames
Philippe Balbiani and Martín Diéguez. Here and There modal logic with dual implication
Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque, Andreas Herzig and Petar Iliev. Frame-validity games and absolute minimality of modal axioms
Tristan Charrier and Francois Schwarzentruber. Complexity of Dynamic Epistemic Logic with Common Knowledge
Ivano Ciardelli. Dependence statements are strict conditionals
Alex Citkin. One-Generated WS5-algebras
Tiziano Dalmonte, Nicola Olivetti and Sara Negri. Non-normal modal logics: bi-neighbourhood semantics and its labelled calculi
Stéphane Demri and Raul Fervari. On the Complexity of Modal Separation Logics
Martín Diéguez and David Fernández-Duque. An intuitionistic axiomatization of 'eventually'
Yifeng Ding. On the Logics with Propositional Quantifiers Extending S5Π
Gaëtan Douéneau-Tabot, Sophie Pinchinat and François Schwarzentruber. Chain-Monadic Second Order Logic over Regular Automatic Trees and Epistemic Planning Synthesis
Birgit Elbl. Cut-free sequent calculi for products and relativised products of modal logics
Silvio Ghilardi and Luigi Santocanale. Ruitenburg’s Theorem via Duality and Bounded Bisimulations
Marianna Girlando, Sara Negri and Nicola Olivetti. Counterfactual logic: labelled and internal calculi, two sides of the same coin?
Christopher Hampson. The bimodal logic of commuting difference operators is decidable
Eduardo Hermo Reyes and Joost Joosten. Relational semantics for the Turing Schmerl calculus
Wesley Holliday and Tadeusz Litak. One Modal Logic to Rule Them All?
Andrzej Indrzejczak. Cut-Free Modal Theory of Definite Descriptions
Fengkui Ju, Gianluca Grilletti and Valentin Goranko. Logic of temporal conditionals and a solution to the Sea Battle Puzzle
Stanislav Kikot, Agi Kurucz, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev. On Strictly Positive Modal Logics with S4.3 Frames
James Koussas, Tomasz Kowalski, Yutaka Miyazaki and Michael Stevens. Normal extensions of KTB of codimension 3
Tomasz Kowalski and George Metcalfe. Coherence in Modal Logic
Roman Kuznets and Björn Lellmann. Interpolation for Intermediate Logics via Hyper- and Linear Nested Sequents
Stepan Kuznetsov. *-continuity vs. induction: divide and conquer
Michel Marti and Thomas Studer. The internalized disjunction property for intuitionistic justification logic
Brett McLean and Robin Hirsch. The temporal logic of two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime with slower-than-light accessibility is decidable
Mikhail Rybakov and Dmitry Shkatov. A recursively-enumerable Kripke-complete first-order logic not complete with respect to a first-order definable class of frames
Jeremy Seligman and Yanjing Wang. Call me by your name: epistemic logic with assignments and non-rigid names
Ilya Shapirovsky. Truth-preserving operations on sums of Kripke frames
Valentin Shehtman. On Kripke completeness of some modal predicate logics with the density axiom
Dmitrij Skvortsov. A remark on the superintuitionistic predicate logic of Kripke frames of finite height with constant domains: A simpler Kripke complete logic that is not strongly complete
Frederik Van De Putte and Dominik Klein. Pointwise intersection in neighbourhood modal logic